Monday, 7 January 2013

Exciting news from work!

We received some exciting news at work about one of the programs. To clarify, I am currently doing an internship at Earthwatch Australia and I am part of the team delivering TeachWild. To summarize TeachWild:

“Marine debris affects more than 270 species of marine animals worldwide, however little is known about the impact on Australia’s wildlife. TeachWild is a national program that tackles this global issue and brings scientists together with teachers, students and employees to carry out hands-on field work.”

Basically the program is a chance to get school kids excited about science and the environment by giving them the opportunity to work with a scientist and contribute to real research. Awesome right? Especially since it is free for students to participate. And I like things that are free J.

One of the schools that went out with us was Emerald Primary in the “fall” this year (aka spring :P). After the day in the field the kids (grade 6) went back to the school and noticed all the trash from candy wrappers lying around. Fresh with new ideas about marine debris and the impact plastic has on the environment, they decided there needed to be a change.

Now, at the school store, there is a deposit recycling program. The kids voted to increase the cost of everything by 10 cents, and that 10 cents is returned once the wrapper is brought back to the shop!! Wow! Such a great idea, so inspiring that the grade 6 class came up with it, and awesome feedback for the TeachWild program!

Feedback like this really makes me feel like we are making an impact. Even that I personally am.  Today feels like it is going to be a good day.


  1. WOW how encouraging is that?? To know that the kids were impacted into action!! That's very exciting because it is the next generation that will be inheriting these environmental changes in great proportions and they will have to work on the solutions!! WTG!!

  2. Hi Bonnie, that is wonderful stuff. I think that you were able to even give these children this wonderful opportunity is a wonderful thing. Learning about positive change is so great. And for them to become so invested. That is amazing. Excellent work. As the Aussie's would say "Good on ya"...
