Sunday, 3 February 2013

Weekly Review

Well I think that it is time for another weekly review. So far so good really. After the conference (where there was heaps of plastic use and waste :() I managed to make it back to Melbourne. I was too lazy to get all the way to the markets for groceries so I went to Coles instead. Not my cheapest move...

I did manage to get all the vegetables I normally would get though. I even bought spinach! I used the same paper bag that you put mushrooms in. I am not sure what the store policy for that is but I did self check out. I guess it isn't a big deal? I bought enough veggies for two weeks I'd say. Then I have one more week before I hit the vacation scene! I think that is going to bring a whole new level of challenge for me. Should be pretty exciting.

The other exciting thing that happened to me this week was hitting up the new Pasta place near work. When they were getting ready to open I stopped in and asked if I could bring in my own container for take away and they said yes. So I tried it :) The owner complimented me on my good idea! I'd like to say that it could catch on, but I have a feeling at some point there will be a food safe issue of some kind :(. For now though I will keep on using it!

I got pumpkin gnocchi with a basil pesto sauce and it was absolutely delicious!! (Bonus, they actually made the dish wrong, and when I offered to eat it anyway so it wouldn't get thrown away they told me someone would eat it for lunch. Hurrah to no waste!)

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